Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Odds and Ends
Am I the only one who misses “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson”?
Not thinking is superior- although much more difficult for some- to thinking yet I can’t seem to stop trying both.
Holding hands with your girl is forever underrated.
Anybody heard from Spike Lee lately?
Instant communication doesn’t help anybody.
Johnny Bench is the best there is, the best there ever was, and the best that there ever will be…………………now let’s move on to Clemente.
Are Banana Splits (the dessert, not the band) still popular?
Saw a beautiful young girl in a short skirt and high heels today. She was talking on her phone and didn’t seem to know I was alive. Creamy flesh, rose scented, long lean legs, fine ankles, dainty feet. God or no……………somebody did something right.
Cops piss me off………….am I wrong?
The sound of water flowing off a mountain is the truth.
The best quote I can recall from a Playboy Interview- Christopher Walken: “I mean…I like children but after a couple of hours I think…….I wish you would go away so I could have a conversation or something.” The man is close to my heart.
I’m basically ashamed of my attachment to my Ipod.
Had a wonderful girlfriend once (genius level performance artist) who lowered herself to watch football with me one Sunday strictly in order to please me. After careful observation she commented,
”Why don’t they wear different colors?”
I replied, “They do…one team’s wearing blue and white and the other’s got black and white with gold trim.”
She said,
“No…….I mean why doesn’t one team wear…..say…………. purple and the other team wear green.”
I could not dispute her feminine logic.
The other day I did not have sex with the wife nor did I even trouble myself to jerk off but I did, somehow, manage to get good and drunk. That’s age, baby, and death must be sniffing around somewhere.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
My Ex-Pat Manifesto....................again
I must begin by stating the obvious and the obviously painful. If you are reading this then you and I are most likely simpatico and so I’m preaching to the choir just as everyone does with their own specific choirs’ so that consequently, and unfortunately, this is exactly the hopeless junction where we all miss the train. We pick our sides in this most minor of debates and then thump our books and quote our quotes to shore up our egos and support the beliefs that we’ll never stop trying to believe with our hearts fully open and our ears and eyes completely closed. We’ll go on and on debating, then cursing, then fighting and then building bombs. Maybe one day one side will build a really big one that ends the argument.
And none of us ever move the other guy a split cunt hair.
Well I’ve been listening and for what it’s worth……………………….
It’s 2007 and it, sadly, needs to be stated over and over again and then one more time. Open your eyes, we are here now, do not be afraid because it’s only life and then one day you (and me and everyone else) will die. There is no escaping it and if there is a reward at the end it will certainly be better than any of us deserve if not quite exactly what we were expecting but why not, just as a change, focus instead on the here and now so that we may just, possibly, improve our situation a tiny little bit and perhaps leave a smaller mess than the one we inherited.
There is no old white man with a long beard coming out of the sky to save me, there is no Prophet who owns the Final Wisdom, there is no one set of rules that insures my eternal safety, there is no amount of kneeling and begging that is going to make me a better person than less kneeling and begging would. Religion is fear. Pure and naked and as ugly as it gets. It is the creation of a being who craves constant and eternal reassurance because he knows he’s done something wrong and hopes that he can somehow weasel out of any unpleasantness without doing anything particularly difficult or costly. It is the fantasy of a creature that is simultaneously too foolish to appreciate the beauty surrounding him and too vain to ever stop thinking about anyone but his God who, he's been promised, closely resembles the man in the mirror.
The major spiritual difference between me and my cat is that my cat doesn’t know or care that he’s going to die because he’s too damn busy living and being a good cat. Maybe he’s a lazy ass, self-centered, son-of-a-bitch but not many days go by where I feel more worthy of life’s joys than him although I’m fairly certain that I’m almost always more grateful.
Practitioners of religious faith are the modern day magicians performing ancient card tricks on a gullible populace who seek a little excitement and sympathetic understanding from the very charlatans who empty their pockets and fill their heads with emotionally fascist bullshit but I can’t blame the pushers because everybody’s got to make a buck and the buyer really should beware. You may pick your own examples of the rampant insidious hypocrisy of their establishments as there are simply too many to list here. I myself was subjected to the American Roman Catholic variety of superstition and I’m afraid I’d need a few thousand additional words to even outline the fractured ethical practices of that organization but suffice to ask this?
Does anyone notice that in the last decade the RC Church has finally begun their much too late shelling out of multiple hundred million dollar settlements to that not so small portion of their young flock that in the past -and who knows about now- they’ve gotten most……um……familiar with…… and this hasn’t even dented their finances? Think about it.
Let’s keep it simple.
Look at the person next to you. Do you think you could make him/her feel welcome or appreciated or loved? I think you can and you don’t need me or anyone else to tell you how to do it. Start there and once you’ve mastered that we can move on. Personally I’ve been working on that one for over 40 years with widely varying degrees of success so if you can pull it off, congratulations and if you can’t just yet, don’t worry you will if you try- at least sometimes and maybe often- so welcome to the human club and good luck.
There is a moral compass inside all of us that tells us exactly everything we need to know about which direction is north and if your brand of faith is completely in sync with that compass then I would be willing to bet cash money that you are either- brainwashed, delusional, in denial, a liar or all 4. We can ignore this compass or fight it or follow it according to our whims and that, ladies and gentlemen, is called free will and yes, without it you may consider yourself a prisoner of society, religion or faith. Hope it works out for you. With it you are an everlastingly imperfect person in a wild, beautiful world so...............
If your compass is out of whack it’s most likely because somebody tried to fix it. Will your compass always comfortably align with the Law? No, that would be the Perfect World and this is only, alas, the real one where brave souls are sometimes called upon to take firm stances. The compass can lead to greatness or hardships or anything in between so roll your dice and enjoy your humanity and the companionship of those around you because you most likely deserve it and maybe a little more. Do bad people do bad things? Yep. Always will.
If, however, for some wonderful reason, your brand of worship leads you to become a better person than you might not otherwise be, by all means, pray continue. Religious freedom is a wonderful gift for the frightened masses that only hope to band together and engage in a “spiritual” daisy chain of stroking each others egos with simple assurances of being “saved” from whatever particular damnation they fear but the Constitution provides all with complete freedom to practice your mythology so, fellow Americans, enjoy and please keep all that happiness to yourselves. My country is NOT based on your brand or any other. When it works it's "by the people and for the people" and when it doesn't it's our duty to fix it without asking for any divine help. So let's roll up our sleeves, spit into our hands and grab a mop....it's time for some elbow grease.
If, conversely, your brand compels you to ring strange doorbells unannounced and unwanted or bend your friends’ ears with unsolicited advice and counsel then perhaps you may want to reconsider your behavior.
If your brand invokes, compels or pleads for you to kill, maim, imprison, enslave, or judge your fellow human beings you may want to reexamine the text on which your doctrine is based because I’m fairly certain that you are (intentionally or not) misinterpreting it.
Here’s my quote from Peter McWilliams wonderful “Ain’t nobody’s business if I do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crime in America”
“All the major religions boil down to the same principles- Love everybody…Don’t judge anybody.”
If you can pull that one off then you’re a better man than me, neighbor, and you don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
The Hippies are coming, the hippies are coming.....
Dude! Where’s my Decade?
I accidentally stumbled into the 60’s last weekend when the wife and I took a leisurely shopping stroll on a lovely, sunny, Sunday in Kyoto. Our ultimate destination was the Bike (as in bicycle) Shop to purchase some new wheels but along the way we got caught in a tie-dyed tide of dreadlocked, Earth shoe wearing, patchouli oil reeking, compost heaping, tree hugging, peace loving, all organic, perpetually stoned/smiley hippies heading for Kyoto University so………….yes……….we, inexplicably, drifted into that gentle “All we are saying is give peace a chance” flow.
As for me, I’m really more of an angry, alcohol swilling, fried cow eating, motorcycle loving misanthrope with no God, no patience and a rapidly aging appetite for destruction- my own and everyone else’s- and so consequently, I fit into this party about as well as Dick Cheney at the Playboy Mansion but at least no one seemed to mind and a good time was achieved by all as far as I could determine.
There was truly no representative demographic here although the 30ish crowd with barefoot children running wild did seem to be the barely dominant breed. But all ages from craggy faced septuagenarians hanging onto their graying hair by growing it down to the ass level of their hemp MC Hammer pants to grubby faced Wild Childs bouncing around the grounds like superballs in fearless abandon, complete freedom and totally reckless disregard for anyone around them were enjoying the festivities very nearly equally along with just about every age in between.
Yes, that is a tree house. And, yes........those are adults sleeping in it.
Gai-jin were scarce and designer jeans, bags, shoes or accessories even scarcer which is truly, profoundly unusual for Kyoto but that complete lack of materialistic consumer worship in full public view was oddly comforting. It’s been a long while since I’ve seen a young woman who didn’t look like the clothes on her back cost as much as a good used car and while that’s always OK with me I have to admit it was somewhat pleasing for a change to see chicks going natural in terms of their fashion and the overall greed level was, perhaps subsequently, quite low.
My own contribution to the days grace was strictly monetary and quite minor- 2 coffees with 2 organic cornmeal breads to nosh while we ambled about (600 yen= $6), the coffee was excellent and on time, the cornbread surprisingly hearty and tasty. Don’t know why but organic beer (shudders) and tequila seemed to be quite popular but as I deteriorate I find it increasingly less attractive to drink during the day and so I generally save my drunken madness for when the sun goes all the way down but that didn’t stop the crowd from their liberal intake of spirits, smoke and relaxation so all was most definately well at Kyoto U.
On this lovely Spring day the vegan, all natural, group hug vibe was permeating the air along with another- more pungent and much more familiar- odor of sweet corruption which may have accounted for the sleepy, happy, bashful and dopey smiles (sorry… I couldn’t remember the other 3 dwarves) in evidence everywhere one cared to look and the odor was yet another very unusual occurrence around these parts (traditional Japanese being bizarrely adverse to artificial stimulation that doesn’t include alcohol) so credit to the Freaks where it is due- they flew their flags loudly and proudly and I for one was most happy for them and, incredibly, with them.
And my Brother from another Mother, Eric, would’ve deeply, deeply appreciated the lovely perfume in the air and felt……… right……………… at home!
As the sun slowly set the Band mounted the stage and (pedal powered) threw themselves into…………….don’t know…………………a song?
Good Christ! The “music” was an atonal nightmare
of limp dick twiddling, navel gazing stoner bullshit, including a fucking didgeridoo, but the lead singer (big ponytails and bigger smile) was quite possibly one of the most charismatic performers I have yet seen and he held the rapturous crowd in a loving thrall.
Final analysis- While normally I am most likely the guy manning the fire hose in these situations on Sunday I settled in and communed with my Hippie Brothers and Sisters with ease and significant satisfaction. No mean feat to me and all, and I mean all, credit to them. Don’t know how they make a living in this here day and age (or how I do either) but more power to each and every one.
I left thinking…………………………………….
What the fuck is so funny about peace, love and understanding?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
My Ex-Pat Manifesto...continued
Mr. and Mrs. Red State USA, the terrorists are not coming to get you!
Allow me to explain.
Let’s think of the world as a giant school and each nation as a student in our worldwide classroom. Right now (2007)the USA is the biggest, richest, youngest kid in the class and everyone knows it. Imagine a 700 lb. strong willed toddler who’s used to having his way in the School. Why? Because that’s the way he’s always had it. He's huge, powerful, infantile, lovable, dangerous and oblivious in equal measures. Of course, as in any school- intelligence, drive, discipline and hard work will allow most students to succeed but certain countries are going to excel despite any circumstances because they have the most (and a gold star to you if you guessed it) MONEY and RESOURCES. The Japanese kid, the German kid, the Swiss kid and to a lesser extent the English, French, Indian, Chinese, Spanish and Italian kids are all going to graduate even if their parents have to buy their way through and then they’re going to move on to their separate more or less successful careers. The African kids, the Mexican kids, the third world kids, they’re hanging on by a thread with little to no room for error, one small miscue and they’ll be flushed down the toilet forever. On the other hand there is almost nothing the Toddler from the USA can do that will harm his chances because he is the biggest of BMOC’s and even he knows this.
And what feelings does this aura of entitlement unwittingly encourage in other classmates? Envy, admiration, awe, malice, sycophancy and hatred in disproportionate amounts based on individual relations.
Where are the terrorists in this school? They have no place, they’ve been expelled, thrown out, discarded.
Now imagine the poisonous hatred of a mean little prick who has to sit on the sidelines and watch the other kids play nice with their spiffy uniforms in their fancy school with shiny classrooms and the best of everything while he can only press his nose up to the glass of a locked door, fuming and plotting his big day of revenge. Does this little bastard get help at home to assuage his anger? No he does not. Indeed at home his frustrating problems continue because he’s strapped with insane parents who not only don’t comfort him but, being religious fanatics who are sure that GOD is on their side, actually fan the flames of his hatred and encourage his fantasies of retribution against his enemies who, in truth, barely notice his existence or lack thereof. They fill his mind and soul with psychotic delusions based on their particularly peculiar mythology promising glorious revenge, revolution and one day, of course, his own school where his children are running the show.
So what is this scruffy, hungry, frustrated, passionately deluded urchin’s redress? Will he burn down the school? No. The job is too big and he is too small. Will he kill all his enemies as he insane parents have promised him? Never happen. There are too many and he is always making more. Will he one day enroll in “the School” himself and exert his will from the inside. Not a chance in Hell. His fanatic family has ensured his social blindness and enslaved his malleable little mind so completely that he cannot even dream dreams other than those of twisted paradise for “the True Believer” sold to him by crazed fundamentalists who worship only God and despise everyone else.
But because he is hopelessly trapped in his passion, anger and determination you know what? Every once in a while he’s going to get up the nerve to sneak into the playground and kick someone right in the balls before he runs away in joyous celebration.
Every now and again he’s going to nail one of the kids in the playground smack in the head with a rock he’s thrown from across the street with minimum skill but maximum hate then celebrate his glorious victory against his oppressor.
From time to time he’s going to flatten some tires in the parking lot, break some big expensive windows and pull the fire alarm so that every damn one of us has to march out of the school and mill around like cattle while he hyperventilates behind the bushes as he slips his slingshot out of his back pocket and takes aim.
Is it gonna sting? You’re damn right it is but he has absolutely no chance of closing the school and he never, EVER WILL!
Only occasionally will he ever he be captured and only then wrestled to the ground while he spits in your eye and curses your Mother. Lock him up and he’ll spend his days praying for strength and waiting for his now much more specific revenge.
But breathe easy Mr. and Mrs. Red State because the vicious little son-of-a-bitch is not coming to bomb your strip mall, blow up your corn silo, burn down your Wal-Mart or sabotage your satellite dish. His ultimate accomplishment (and he's already achieved it) will only be the most minor of footnotes in your otherwise busy day.
He’s not the seething, bestial Hun at the gate gnashing his teeth while waiting to tear down your civilization and eat your babies.... he’s only,-and can only be- the pathetic, desperate, starving junkie thug looking to score................... and what is his drug? God is his drug and religion his fix which leads me back to-
to be continued...................
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Look at me, Ma! Top 'o the World!
This was my quest and, yes, there is good news for all the grey hairs out there.
Affirmative! I made it up those back breaking, leg aching, killer set of steps and thought you might like the view. Something about running through a graveyard is oddly comforting yet difficult to explain. Perhaps it's the fact that if I keel over and croak on the spot they'll most likely just dig a hole and drop me in because it would be a GENUINE BITCH to have to haul my corpse all the way back down.
I'm getting younger all the time.
Even the graveyards in Japan are crowded.
BTW- I just kind of liked this shot so...............please don't blame me if evil spirits start crawling out of your computer screen..............it was your fault for looking.
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