Friday, August 28, 2009
scorched earth policy
I should probably mention somewhere along the line that Naomi was from another country. I’d mention the country but then certain people just seem to get big ideas about everything. Suffice to say she was from about half-a-world and one ocean away and I suppose it’s fair to guess that while the fact of her foreign birth and upbringing may have contributed greatly to her uniqueness in her adopted land, everything about the way she moved through space said that she’d be a rebel anywhere and everywhere.
She was a honey dripping slow motion goddess who could shake her ass, a wild young hell raiser on a rampage, then pose with perfect grace and gravity for the adults; she could be calm as a cool summer wind then erupt like a busted fire hydrant. She adored old people and when she talked to kids she was one of them with no act.
Her voice coiled around you like a smooth snake, stroking, soothing and a trifle scary just like any wild thing, her words imperfect and too tempting in their imperfection. I don’t know where she learned English or if she learned it, maybe she was born with it already sleeping inside her and waiting for its time to bloom, as she was surely born into revealing the secrets of those blossoming thighs, her magic waiting to happen like flowers in spring or the sun coming up. No one could’ve taught something like that and no one could’ve learned it. You either had it or you didn’t and she had it to spare but kept it part of her mystery, like her language. If she had plotted and planned to speak the way she did it could not have been any better than the way the words actually left her lips; teasing you, enticing you, pulling at your heart and forcing you to lean into the heat of her body.
“Oh my baby…. My man…. It’s so sensational….. I love yours.”
That’s what she leaned into my ear and whispered as she reached for my dripping half hard cock and stroked it softly just as we’d finished off that morning after retrieving the bags. When she said it and stroked me I was loving mine too and I was loving hers more than that.
Her favorite word in English seemed to be,
Which she used often and rolled off her tongue lowly and slowly, the r’s tumbling into the l’s and the whole word sounding like one elusive seductive come-on command whose true meaning must surely be “Cut the chatter and come fuck me good.”
At least that’s what it sounded like to me.
“Damn! Baby I love the taste of you” pressing my mouth into her.
That’s what she’d say.
Anyway, she wasn’t from around here.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
R. I. P.
Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy (1932-2009)
An imperfect Man in an imperfect World.
"The Lion of the Senate"
Born into enormous wealth and colossal tragedy he, despite whatever flaws he may have owned or failures he carried with him, dedicated his Life to helping his fellow Americans live better, safer, healthier and more productive lives and in great measure achieved these goals.
A true Champion of the People.
May He be in Heaven a half-hour before the Devil knows he's dead.
An imperfect Man in an imperfect World.
"The Lion of the Senate"
Born into enormous wealth and colossal tragedy he, despite whatever flaws he may have owned or failures he carried with him, dedicated his Life to helping his fellow Americans live better, safer, healthier and more productive lives and in great measure achieved these goals.
A true Champion of the People.
May He be in Heaven a half-hour before the Devil knows he's dead.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"In my own country I am in a far-off land
I am strong but have no force or power
I win all yet remain a loser
At break of day I say goodnight
When I lie down I have a great fear
Of falling."
Francois Villion
"Hit 'em where they ain't."
Wee Willie Keeler (in answer to a query concerning his method of batting success in baseball)
I was reading a novel recently and the main character was considering a demonstration of one of life's more central scientific realities, that is to say entropy, the constant and unstoppable deterioration of all things physical.
He reviews the video example of the physicist Stephen Hawking who drops a teacup onto the floor whereupon, and of course, it instantly smashes to pieces. Hawking asks the viewer to consider that you can drop a teacup onto the floor perhaps an infinite number of times and it will always shatter but.....
You will never see the cup leap back up and reassemble itself. This is a keen example of his theory of entropy and an even keener example of my theory on this game we call life.
The clock is ticking and our time is short so lets not waste it waiting for the cup to come back together as we try most seriously not to drop anymore.
I live in a Nation that has the 2nd largest economy in the World despite its relatively small size. Wealth and prosperity are the norms here, there is plenty to eat, drink, smoke, fuck, drive, buy, see and lots of convenient ways to get there and see it.
If you walk these streets and observe I can guarantee that 2 out of 3 of the citizens you witness will have their cells attached to their faces and will be deeply engaged in animated cyber-communication (hereafter known as CyberCom*) at all times!
If you approach these people, make actual eye contact and attempt to actually speak to them they will be startled and absolutely stunned in shock, fear and disbelief at your very human presence, your unavoidable physical existence or perhaps your societal impertinence, one cannot know for certain.
This country also has the highest (by far) suicide rate of any industrialized nation on earth, teenagers and adults of all ages offing themselves with greater frequency and in greater numbers than ever before.
I could be wrong but sometimes I think the 2 may be connected somehow.
President Obama has been on the job awhile now. I think it's fair to give him a bit longer and see where this thing is going, but Man.....
Where is the money coming from?
I don't particularly worship God (any of 'em), Country, Family, Children or Money. I definitely do not see this as any sort of a strength, indeed on occasion I wish I could share these apparently satisfying opiates, but this simple faith deficiency (whether genetic or evolved I can't say although I have my theories) does seem to make it much easier for me to smile, laugh and see the Good as I stop and sniff those roses surrounding me.
So, I feel like being Human is an all around sweet deal on most days and I don't want to trade it for insurance, security, success or immortality, at least not yet. Although I would like a side order of immortality to go, please.
Which merely proves that I'm not only human but eternally juvenile as well.
Yesterday I was talking to a young girl, a friend, not attractive in any conventional sense, and in the middle of our conversation (and for the 1st time ever although I've known her for over a year) I quite suddenly glanced at her lips, her smile and my head rang like a bell-
I wonder what it would feel like to kiss her...I wonder how wonderful she must taste.....her lips look so lovely....maybe.......
And then I snapped back to reality.
Later we said goodbye and I am positive she had and has no clue as to my momentary lapse or illicit desire. As for me I harbor no intentions or designs on her body and was justly satisfied to wave goodbye that evening as her warm smile faded into the night.
I cannot explain how much this pleases me.
All for now...
Friday, May 22, 2009
scorched earth policy
First thing in my Naomi morning I grabbed the phone, called in sick at work and was goddamned glad to do it.
Then I took her to a breakfast place I hoped she might enjoy. I took her there because I was starving and I took her there because I didn’t want to let her go. I had bacon and eggs with potatoes on the side, everything good and hot. She ordered buckwheat banana pancakes. When the waitress set the plate down in front of her Naomi immediately smothered them in syrup and I never saw a girl eat pancakes or anything else the way she did; she ate like it was her last chance to do it on her last day on the planet.
Naomi didn't talk while she ate, I liked that. She’d pause for a smile and a,
“MMMMMMMMMM!” every now and again or maybe it was just to catch her breath, I didn’t know but she polished off her plate like she was shoveling coal into an engine before she looked at me and beamed. Orgasmic.
“Oh thank you Walter… Oooh how I loved that. It was perfect.”
Then she sipped her coffee and grinned at me wickedly over the rim of the cup. Something about her hunger made me want to drop to my knees, crawl under the table and bury my face between her wonderful thighs but I got busy with the fork instead and managed to stick to my eggs.
I noticed men sitting at tables near us cutting not-so-subtle glances in her direction, whether they were with women or not. I knew how they felt. If she noticed anybody watching her it was impossible to tell. She seemed oblivious to anything but me and her cup. Over the coffee I unreeled my best sales pitch ever and pretty quick we decided to pick up her bags from the Hostel and move them over to my apartment so she wouldn’t have to bother about paying for a place to stay. Neither one of us mentioned how long she’d be in town; I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want her to get any leaving ideas.
When I’d woke up next to her that morning and for the first time I felt like I was still in a dream, the star of a great movie, undisputed Champion of the World and as far away from the railroad as I’d ever been. I touched her everywhere to make sure she was real. When Naomi woke up smiling a happy little girl smile she showed me exactly how real she was. She slid her warm lips down my body, swallowed me whole and sucked me until I had to pull her mouth off. Forcefully. I had to do that because I needed her legs around me like I needed to breathe. As I drove my cock into her, her angel face was a portrait of pleasure and pain, lust and longing. When I sprayed my cum onto her she kissed me breathlessly and didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop.
For now she would stay in my bed and that’s all I wanted her to think about, I didn’t want her to ever even begin to think of leaving me. I wanted her thinking about joining me. After our breakfast we rode back to the Hostel and when I watched her rock that tight little caramel ass into the doors to pick up her stuff I had plenty of good thoughts of my own, enough for both of us.
When she walked back out with her bags in her hands I never felt more proud of anything I’d ever accomplished in my entire life up until that day.
I jailbreaked it back to the apartment, hustled her through the door and threw those bags on the floor. Then I threw her onto the bed. She laughed and I dove in. That’s the way I wanted it. See?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
'Cuz it's Monday.....That's Why!
And yes I know that Johnny Cash's version is superior and say what you will but Reznor knocks this one out of the park.
Welcome to the Pain.
Welcome to the Pain.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Interview with JC- Part II
AB: And we're back. So, Jesus..........the, where do I start?
JC: Bill, before we even begin to explore the....uh........mysteries........let me just state right up front that you have to remember that in a very, very different Time and Place in every sense of the word and we really have to bear that in mind as we go along and also, please try to keep the Big Picture as our main focus rather know........getting ourselves all bogged down over every tiny detail about who saw what and how many and, well................... you gotta remember we're talking about at least a couple thousand long years ago over here, you know sometimes even I'm a bit foggy as I look back.
I about a crazy time!
AB: I hear you. I can't remember what I did last weekend without looking at my schedule.
JC: That's all I'm saying.
AB: Check.
JC: Just to give you an idea of the craziness though, you wanna take a wild guess at the average life expectancy back then? The Romans calculated it....but then they were always good at that kind of stuff.
Crazy about statistics those people. Nutty for numbers.
Great little census takers they were.
AB: Hmmmm...... lemme see............45? 50?
JC: If you happened to be a Roman Senator maybe. (chuckles)
No, Billy it was 29 years young for men and if you were lucky enough to make it that far in the upright position you were officially an Elder Statesman and had to consider your life a splendid success. Anything after that was pure gravy, trust me, gravy.
If you weren't married by 12 you pretty much had to resign yourself to spinster exile or, you know, turn pro and from what I heard, neither option was any picnic and, suffice to say, there weren't any retirement plans back in those days, you were damn lucky to die on the job.
Times were tough!
Yep.....We didn't call it the Good News for nuthin'!
And Brother, there wasn't much of that around.
AB: Rough. But I did want to get to at least some of the Miracles today...
JC: (spreads his arms in welcoming gesture, smiles)
AB: For example, the famous “walking on water” incident. How or why or WOW!
Can you tell us about it?
JC: Absolutely. But let's just remember that this all started on a fishing trip.
AB: Oh, really? OK. Didn't know that.
JC: Been on many fishing trips, Billy?
AB: Actually no. I'm kind of a City Boy myself.
JC: Well, let me paint you a picture-
A bunch of men taking a little time off from the grind, no wives, no gf's, a couple of cases of wine, a good day on the water, peace, quiet, the whole schmear.
AB: I think I follow. Little drinking happening that day?
JC: Just a bit. Not too much fishin' tho'. (winks)
Well anyhow it looks like a lovely day, for once, and we're sailing along across the lake at our leisure when this black little storm starts making a move for us and so I decide, pretty wisely I thought, to call it a day.
Unfortunately, somebody, I forget who...think it was Peter.....always something with that guy....gets the bright idea to turn the boat back into the front, for kicks I guess, just as we're finally heading to the far shore somehow still in one piece.
Well long story short- He loses the sail, flips it in the waves and everybody's gotta swim for it....I had to make sure everyone was clear of the boat so I was the last one to make it in............Pete and the rest of the Guys gawkin' from the beach.
The next day when they got back home, sobered up a bit and had to have an explanation for no fish and losing the boat, and that was no small expense either, they, you know.......mentioned to about anyone who'd listen that they thought they may have seen me.......well..........walking on the waves.
Well, you know, we didn't have the internets but word got around.
AB: Walking?
JC: Bill lemme tell ya', the real thing was better than walking.
Brother I was flyin' through that water!
And that was some tall chop too, this wasn't no Olympic swimming pool with a surface like glass like nowadays. I tell ya' that Michael Phelps kid couldn't of kept up with me that day!
Yea buddy, I was a heck of an athlete back then....heckava good little athlete........and you should've seen me wrestle!
Coulda' went to the Coliseum and cleaned up. Betcha' didn't know that. (sighs)
Good Ole Pete, you hadda' love him but sometimes...................Oi!
You just wanted to give him a swift kick, you know?
AB: Got it.
Howabout the “feeding of the multitudes” events? 5,000 and 4,000 fed with just a handful of loaves and a fistful of fish. Care to share?
JC: Yea.......well, first of all you have to sort of keep an open mind about that multitudes figure.
I mean, who was counting? Hey, we weren't selling tickets!
We were giving it away!
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
And this word, “multitude”? What's a multitude?
No direct translation in the original Hebrew. That's a fact.
Multitude, schmultitude I was a lot of good people is what it was.
AB: Gotcha.
JC: But this was a great story. And great, great crowds too!
Next- Part III
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
scorched earth policy
If change it was then let it come, I was ready for it and more than ready.
You know the guy at work who doesn’t give a quick shit about anything? The one who the supervisors really can’t tolerate because the very existence of such a seemingly carefree presence inside their holy temple of the almighty paycheck is an affront to their own fragile dignity and an intolerable challenge to their flimsy self worth? The guy whose mere entrance into an office is the equivalent of someone pulling the pin on a grenade and rolling it into the room? The happy asshole that never seems to be bothered by anything no matter how bad things get? The one who comes back to the salt mine smiling and whistling a happy tune the day after he’s burned his last sick day? The misfit? The fuckup? The loser?
I was that guy but I had lots of company.
The place was the railroad and I’d been working on it for ten long years and had heard all the jokes but go ahead if it makes you feel any better. I worked in the largest RR station in the second largest city in the good ole U.S. of A., right smack in the middle of the country. Every passenger train in the nation that was heading from one coast to the other or anywhere in between passed in and through our little world, along with 20 or 30,000 suburbanite commuters dashing out of their morning trains and into their office cells and then bolting back to their evening express’ and subdivision prisons each and every day.
It was fun in the winter to watch the crowds freeze their asses to work while you kicked back to sip coffee and it was much better in summer when you got to enjoy the non-stop parade of tits and asses bouncing into and out of the station. Dodging supervisors in order to enjoy the sights wasn’t always easy but after 10 years most RRers considered work to be “optional” and avoided its assorted indignities with collective blue collar aplomb.
A lean decade ago I’d been busting my ass selling hardware and outdoor BBQ grills during the day and then liquor at night. I wasn’t any good at either but I did become adept at robbing the supply of airplane bottles (back in those days they sold them off a rack right behind the counter) from the store’s inventory and in some ways was sorry to see that gig go but I had an apartment full of mini-bottles to ease the pain and I hadn’t yet sold a single BBQ grill at the hardware store so when a drinking buddy mentioned to me about a job on the RR (sweetest deal you’ll ever find he assured me) it sounded like an idea. He’d been there sucking it up for years and enjoying his good life and I figured maybe it was my time. I was damn grateful.
I started off my illustrious RR career humping food to the kitchen cars on long haul trains and in my 10 years there I’d done most everything imaginable while I worked my way up to Janitor. It was a big place with plenty of opportunity to go nowhere.
There was the actual Union Station, which had been built in 1921 and remodeled in the 80’s before I got there; its exterior buildings squatted over two massive city blocks (one building a neo-classical Grand Old Lady and the other the ubiquitous 70’s glass and steel box brick) and were surrounded in two squares by eight main downtown arteries with traffic and an army of taxis buzzing it like twin hives. One building was strictly for office use and the other contained a health club for yuppies along with numerous shopping opportunities and both buildings were jammed with fast food places (and the army of workers that were needed to staff and clean them) to feed the huge herds of lazy fat ass office slugs who poured in daily to stuff their faces with grease. There were even a couple of pathetic bars catering to the commuters that wanted to talk big city tough before they walked all of a hundred yards to get on their trains back to their split levels and faceless condos with their sterile oasis parking lots filled and their 4-wheeled pride and joy waiting faithfully to confirm the righteousness of their existence.
It all got going around 5 in the morning and didn’t stop until after midnight. Depending on the season and where you stood around the Station, it was a great place to waste time or hunt for pussy. If you had to work somewhere there were worse gigs, I’d had a lot of them.
Then there were the Yards- About 3 miles of tracks stretching north and 3 miles south along the river with the station right in the middle like the head of a giant octopus. Around a hundred commuter trains shared the 20 or so tracks with Passenger rail trains daily. It was no small operation. All those miles of track required daily maintenance and it required working in the sub-zero winter and blazing hot summer to do it and so, consequently, I avoided those jobs whenever possible.
Just under a mile south from the station was the largest post office in the nation and the tracks ran right underneath it. We hauled mail on the trains and had a huge decrepit facility for loading, unloading and shipping it up top to the postal guys. This cooperative enterprise had been in existence since the 20’s and had seen its better days.
The mail terminal was an ancient 3 level labyrinth (only one of the levels being above ground) filled with vast tunnels too long to walk through (so we raced through them on little battery operated tugs used to haul heavy loads), dim 30’s lighting, cubbyholes, steam pipes, chutes, ladders, dilapidated conveyer belts that went nowhere, weird mad scientist machine shops and decrepit locker and lunch rooms used for sleeping, drinking and watching TV.
Sometimes we had lunch there too.
The tunnels were so endless that a legion of cats had taken up residence years ago and roamed freely as they feasted on leftovers and whatever else lived down there. Everyone was happy they were there because we all considered the alternative, which surely would’ve been monster horrorshow rats.
The mail terminal had once been a booming enterprise.
Back in the depression years and all the way through the 60’s it’d been the one sure place where a man could make a honest living and get a decent paycheck to feed his kids with, but in the 90’s, it had fallen on hard times and its giant ghostly caverns of disrepair, echoing past gold rushes, were nothing but a sad reminder of the beginning of the end. Still, somehow, the mail terminal crews (now numbering only about 50 when once they’d been in the hundreds) retained a bitter, salty pride and tenaciously defended their territory. During rush hours when all the trains in the station would be gunning their engines at idle and pouring diesel fumes everywhere we’d crawl out of our underground locker/lounge/lair to go up top and sit and wait for the mail cars to back into our docks so we could pop the doors and unload. Sometimes we’d have to wait for 10 or 20 minutes, sometimes more and while you were up there you could see the air, it was an oily blue and it smelled of gasoline. The Old-Timers would plant themselves in their seats, light up and blow clouds of cigarette smoke through that oily blue air as if they were kicking back on a sunny beach next to the ocean while working on their tans. That was how they were. The collective personality was that of a mean old dog who knows his best days are past but is patiently waiting for you to come just a tiny bit closer so he can show you what he’s got left.
The favorite saying over there, snarled at all newcomers who dared invade their domain, was-
“You don’t want to work, go home.”
The hostility bubbling out of their mouths as they spit the words at you. I always felt perfectly comfortable there.
As it was considered “man’s work” women were generally unwelcome and, reading the writing on the wall, generally avoided the lovely environment altogether.
Then another mile or 2 down the river were a trailer and another loading dock used to transport truck containers onto and off of the trains. This department was dominated by a 17 year and up crew of 7 seniority drunks who were so solitary, surly and out of control that everyone, supervisors included, was happy to leave them alone and adrift at the end of our RR outpost. A lot of fellow employees tried to tag my buddy as the ringleader but I happened to know that he had no real interest in the position, perhaps it came to him naturally but to be sure he had no designs on it. They were known as the “River Rats”. No one went there to check on them and no one cared to and their place ran just fine until some management genius got the bright idea to fix the situation.
While the Rats were there the place ran like clockwork and had made a profit ( in spite of or because of their drunken antics no one knew), one of the few enterprises on the RR to do so, but after the genius’ solution it was another government money pit and the Rats headed back to the Station. I was already there.
I’d done just about every job in the place by that time. I’d hauled baggage, hauled food, hauled garbage- shipped, wrapped, loaded and unloaded every conceivable bike, bag, box and body- swept, mopped, scrubbed, wiped, vacuumed, power-washed and detailed every inch of its millions of square feet- I’d took tickets, checked baggage, answered questions, gave directions, fork-lifted pallets, hand-cranked wheelchairs holding giant fat asses into and off of the cars- I’d kicked ass, kissed ass and got booted in the ass more times than I could count and still I came back for more. You see I didn’t know much else.
So after my long decade of soul destroying labor and mind numbing monotony that zoo of a RR reminded me of nothing more, and certainly nothing less, than jail and in more ways than one.
First but not least, it was populated by what had to be the absolute lowest end of the social spectrum- dropouts, lead heads, mental defectives, lazy malcontents, the otherwise unemployable and guys that didn’t have the drive to become drug dealers. And scattered into the mix, just to keep it interesting I guess, just plain unlucky fucks who had somehow ended up there through little fault of their own. I fit right in somewhere and tried not to think about that too much.
Second, it’s overriding objective, the order of the day, the main theme on a minute to minute, hour after hour, day by day till the days turned into months and then those months turned into years grind and you finally understood why those nuts show up at work with automatic weapons; it’s very reason for existence seemed to be to finally, utterly and completely crush all individual hope of something better then ceaselessly pound the inmates into complete submission while simultaneously pulverizing any dreams of escape until the lowlifes who ran the place (desperate lifers themselves clinging tooth and nail to any firm hope of income and security) had everyone marching in line and saying “Yes sir” and “No sir” most sincerely only because it fit comfortably into their tiny vision of their tiny, dried up, lifeless world. Well maybe it wasn’t that much fun but almost.
And just like jail what you mostly got in response was drugs, drunks, fights, passion plays and bitter hatreds simmering steadily in slow-witted but deadly animal brains. The cast of characters was about the same as the slam too: every breed of nut, goofball, freak, psychopath, straight-john, honest-Abe, hustler, bullshit-artist, dope-fiend, boozehound, cocksucker, snitch and just plain fuck-ups represented equally, stirred into a hot pot and left to boil as soon as you punched the clock. It was about the same color as jail too. About 80% black, 10% white, 5% Latin and 5% Other. I was in the Other category and wouldn’t have had it any other way even if I could’ve but you can’t anyway, you know?
And it was all about Time.
The place ran on a seniority basis and that was the biggest fact of life and the most important factor in your RR existence. Every single inmate had his seniority date (date of hire) memorized and could quote it to you on demand, which we often did. The most moronic 20-year bum (and there were plenty to choose from) was infinitely more important in the scheme of things than any hard working go-getter with two years and no clues. Merit didn’t mean shit and if you struggled with that idea your life only got worse as the years crept past you. We’d say,
“There’s the right way, the wrong way and the railroad way.” And everybody knew what the hell that meant if you managed to punch in there everyday for ten years or so.
You had to go along with the ride.
My personal RR mentor, Marshal Decket, a handsome blue eyed devil, 20 yr. vet and besides Keith Richards the coolest white man on the planet, used to tell me between puffs on his cancerous non-filtered cigarettes as we kicked back and enjoyed the show,
“Hey Kid,” he called everybody Kid, “You can work hard or you can work easy,” then he’d pause to lean in with the punch line and his crocodile grin,
“But the pay’s the same.”
Once I learned that simple lesson the ride got much smoother. It only took me about 5 of those 10 years and a little drink every now and again to help shake out the kinks.
About the only difference between Us and the slam was that the constant threat of overt violence wasn’t always present as in the shithouse and also, more importantly, no one seemed to ever want to escape or just ever be free from it all. Every goofy jackass, desperate loser, smug winner and solid citizen clung to that gig and fought over it like two starving rats on the last piece of cheese. Oh they complained constantly and non-stop about how much they hated the place and everyone in it but when you said,
“Why don’t you just fuckin’ quit then.” Right into their faces they looked like they’d been slapped.
“I gotta pay those bills, you know.”
Yea don’t we all brother, don’t we all.
There were crazy old janitors, 30 year-plus lifers (janitors mind you! you know with the mop and the broom and the little dustpan all piled neatly onto their little cart they wheeled around with that familiar zombie shamble) working there who made 80- 90,000$ a year because they, literally, never went home. They’d work double shifts, 16 hours, swabbing out toilets, sweeping up cigarette butts and emptying garbage cans, in between long leisurely breaks of course, then wrestle for the third consecutive one when a young guy’d call off sick. If the cheese gave them any shit about not being able to work 3 consecutive shifts due to safety regulations they’d raise holy hell and quote Union rules and make phone calls until the bum ass supervisor would gratefully cave and give them the shift. This only happened when there was a rookie boss that hadn’t yet learned about life on the RR and wasn’t properly broken in yet. Then these lunatic lifers would do their third consecutive 8 hour shift, at time and a half of course (about 22.50$ per hour), again, slide into the locker room and sleep for a few hours (they had beds set up in there) then catch a quick shave at a locker room sink and come right back for their original morning shift smiling like they just got a blowjob from a movie star.
They took a day off every couple of months or so and took their 4 weeks of vacation every year and other than that they lived at the station.
I had a locker next to one of the oldest. An Irish character named Jim “peek-a-boo” Levy. He looked like W.C. Fields and had a similar misanthropic disposition. Everyone called him Peek-a-boo because he was always around but it was next to impossible to find him. He detested physical labor and successfully avoided it whenever possible. On the occasion of us meeting at our lockers to change, me into or out of street clothes, Peek-a-boo to change into a different blue uniform, always spotless, (in my ten years there I never saw Peek in anything other than his matching blue work pants and shirt with the same tired old boots), I’d say to him,
“Hey goldbrick, ain’t you dead yet?”
He'd squint at me sideways and retort.
“Yea the funny thing is, Rangel” here he’d almost snicker, “I’ll be going to your funeral.” winking, “Maybe take a nice piss on your grave.”
Then he’d make a to and fro peeing motion in front of our lockers, his pot belly sticking out hard and firm as a basketball.
We were very fond of each other
Whenever I came in to do my eight straight if I didn’t see that old bastard at least once I just figured he croaked. It was that rare not to spot him on the job sometime during the day or night. He had the vigorous pallor of one of those moles that lives under ground that you see on the Nature Channel and he waddled around the station like a suspicious spy and furtive pipe bomber.
And he was nowhere near the strangest of the bunch.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Interview with Jesus- Part 1
As part of a new and exciting feature of AnalogBlog, we are proud to present this first in a series of Personality Profiles and Interviews with prominent figures of the Past and Present.
But mostly the Past. (due to certain legal restrictions)
And so, as they say, without further ado-
Well what can I say to start this one off.....obviously someone who needs no introduction and has been for Centuries World renowned as a Philosopher/Savior/Messiah and All-Around Good Guy.......
AB: Mr. Jesus Christ, Thank you for sharing some time with us today and welcome to AnalogBlog.
JC: Thank you for having me Billy...and Jesus is just alright with me. (winks)
AB: Our pleasure. OK, Jesus it is.....although I stated that you needed no intro I guess I'm gonna try to sum up your, well, career for the 2 or 3 people out there who haven't yet heard of you.....
JC: (beaming, nods encouragement)
AB: You were born dirt poor in Bethlehem, a small town in what was then Jerusalem, about 2,000 years ago, give or take, to a carpenter named Joseph and a virgin named Mary (we'll get into that later) then had what was by all accounts a fairly normal childhood before establishing yourself as a leading Prophet/Revolutionary sometime in your early 30's as you rapidly gained a sizable and dedicated following along with unfortunate persecution from the Government before being falsely accused, arrested, convicted and crucified by the Roman Empire only a few years into your peaceful campaign, a ghastly death that oddly enough lead to your lionization, deification and eventual global preeminence these thousands of years later.....and now you're certainly one of the world's most recognized, if not always agreed upon, icons of religious faith and moral/ethical righteousness.
How's that feel today?
JC: (shrugs, grins bashfully) Well I'm absolutely humbled and grateful but I do want to straighten a few of the more minor details out before we all get too far off track here.
AB: The Virgin Birth thing, you mean?
JC: Oy! Billy please........I wasn't even there yet, you know what I mean? I mean let's stick to the stories where at least I was a Sentient Being, eh? Maybe like more than 1-day old, fer instance? Whattya say? (chuckles)
AB: Right, my bad.
JC: Virgin birth....... I mean, yikes! No comment.
AB: Gotcha. Well I've alluded to the fact that your Christian Faith and Following has since grown into the, what, at least 100's of millions of True Believers around the globe.....
Do you feel vindicated after such a brief period of spreading the Word before your untimely, earthly, death?
JC: Of course I'm pleased with the way the stories have grown and if they've helped the World to be a better, safer, more loving place then I'm happy but I was always pretty sure about the Message so vindication is not really a term I'd care to use.
Having said that, however, when I think of how easy it all could've been today what with the Internets and YouTubes and MySpaces......Oy! It gives me a pain!
I mean We were walking! In cheap sandals or barefoot!
Miles and miles from dusty little village to drought-ridden run-down towns, if you can call them that when most didn't even have a simple, common marketplace to get a bite or anything, and lucky to scrounge up a couple of half-starved goat herders or 5 or 10 near-dead farmers who weren't too exhausted to listen to the Good News. Maybe a few lonely fisherman on their 1 day off a year was a big crowd for Us.
Talk about rolling the rock uphill!
3 million hits in one week for that Lady with the voice over in England? How can ya' go wrong?
I give up!
Forget about it!
Great set of pipes tho'. Fact.
AB: Quite a lot has changed. Was all the hiking the major difficulty of spreading your Message of Non-judgemental Love and Forgiveness throughout the Middle East back then?
JC: I wish...oh how I wish it were.
AB: The Romans?
JC: The Romans were no treat, lemme tell ya', they were building an Empire and they were gonna build it!
Slavery, torture, indiscriminate prosecution and murders.......what a collection of Hard-ons those guys. And try figuring out what they were gonna come up with next if you didn't want to sleep at night or get a moments peace.
And the taxes!
Trust me , you don't even know from taxes!
AB: So it was the Romans?
JC: no.........Billy, you know the main problem was and is the same hurdle we'd have to jump today. Ya' see Peace, Brotherly Love , Fairness, Forgiveness, Compassion, ........those are all tough, tough sells to the Money Men, then and now and that's really the nut buster right there.
And just try cutting into some shyster's established religious base sometime if you really wanna make your enemies line up with stones in their fists. can talk 'till you're blue in the face, don't get me started.
AB: I hear Ya'. But don't you think we could update the Message a little bit now.......give it some it up a bit, you know, just to sort of freshen up the Brand and get the Kids into the tent, so to speak?
JC: Bill, (beatific smile) have faith. I got this one.
AB: 'Nuff said. Well, I guess the burning question so many readers are dying to ask, or should I say questions, concern the Miracles.
Any objections?
JC: Bring it on, Kid.
(Part II to follow.)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
scorched earth policy
The thing she used to say about yesterday and all her yesterdays was this-
“I’m not too good at remembering things…. But…… I’m really good at forgetting them!”
Then she’d smile her Naomi smile. Shy and sly, promising nothing and offering everything, her slender body bursting with juice and satisfaction. She was a spoiled child wanting what she wants, a careless whore burning her bridges, a seductive narcotic demanding no sacrifice, a roaring fire warming your flesh and drawing you toward the flames. Hypnotic. If you happened to have been fortunate enough to have tasted her pleasures already then her promise of earthly heaven would make your cock thump in your pants as she stood there teasing, curling her lithe limbs into herself, pulling you into her oblivious orbit.
If it was your first shot at it then hold on brother, your life was about to change forever because Naomi was no tease.
The first time I met her we cut straight through the shit and dug in. I explained about my motorcycle, the perfect weather, the cool breeze off the water and she took a nice bite.
“I’m working till 11… can I call you then… maybe go for a ride... get something to eat?”
“Can you?” Her soft voice insinuating pleasure. “It might be wonderful.”
I’d met her on the job, I was working at a train station and she was passing through, a 20-yr. old student on vacation, traveling alone and looking for some what...kicks? I didn't care.
She stood in front of me, close enough for me to breathe her scent, crossing one foot in front of the other; tracing lines or biding time I didn’t know because she was staring at her shoes and I was fixated on her tiny top, a piece of tan stretch fabric that couldn’t cover my head. No bra, didn’t need one. When I finally managed to pull my eyes up and off her, she had me locked in.
”Why don’t you just pick me up instead?” she’d lifted her dark eyes straight into mine and left them there, measuring me.
“You got it, beautiful.”
I could feel my heart in my chest. Naomi told me the address and gave me a phone number just in case, then turned and walked out a door and into the jam packed sidewalk, disappearing in the crowd almost instantly. I started repeating the numbers in my head as I ran to borrow a pen. I ran fast.
I hit the clock at 11 sharp and jumped on the bike at 11:01; I revved the engine, jumped the street and twisted throttle all the way, flying through the night towards her, aiming straight between her legs.
It was a 20 minute ride to get to her address, a youth hostel, and I ran through the options in my head- Take her to eat where? Take her to drink after but where? Should I take her dancing? Late night stroll on the beach? And most importantly- How do I get her back to my place and into my bed?
I was 32 and no rookie to hookups but Naomi was different than any other I’d encountered before. For one she was young and young girls were often surprising in wonderful or terrible ways. They might be savvy and they might be stupid, they might be calm and collected or they might be empty headed and dull yet frighteningly unable to stop running their brainless mouths, at least until you put a hard dick into it. But Naomi was a mystery and impossible to read. Her face gave away no hints to any definitive nature, it was innocent and decadent simultaneously; teasing girlish lips on a tiny bird mouth with dancing almond eyes framed by a short shock of careless black hair, almost daring you to stare or forcing you to look away. The skin was light caramel and flawless. Her whole body casually conveyed the only important fact that I was able to glean upon first sight-
She had a secret, maybe she’d tell or maybe she wouldn’t.
I turned the final corner to her hostel as I thought about all those things then I stopped thinking and started looking for numbers. I couldn’t find the address right away so I pulled up close to where I thought it might be and asked a woman who was walking by for help. As I was explaining my predicament to her I heard the voice, playful and taunting.
“Hey… I’m right here!”
She was standing at the curb, somehow I hadn’t spotted her but she must’ve been there all along, waiting for me to show. As I turned to look at her I found myself hoping she was no mirage.
She’d replaced the tube top with a black t-shirt that was even tighter, her sweet 20 yr. old tits poking at me like ripe peaches waiting to be plucked and sucked. Her lean legs were wrapped in flared blue jeans that clung like paint. High heeled gold strapped sandals highlighted her perfectly dainty feet, toes painted glossy black. Her hair was even more careless than earlier, as if she’d just fell out of bed and didn’t mind the look, I knew I didn’t. Her hips were a soft challenge to my hardness and locked in a cocky “Come get me” stance. The lips were moist, red and pursed into arrogant bee stings, daring me to make a move.
“OH YEA!” It erupted from me like a burp, she cracked into a small smile, waiting and radiating desire. “C’mon girl, let’s ride.”
I patted the back seat and she jumped forward and hopped right on. I had to grab some thigh, it was a gamble but I wasn’t able to stop my hand. I found the only thing wrong was that I’d have to let it go. As I kneaded that choice meat I felt I should say something just to prove to myself that I could still speak. I blurted,
“GODDAMN you look good!”
She slid her hands around my chest and leaned her chin into my shoulder as if we’d been riding together for years, natural.
“You too.” And she squeezed back. I wanted to throw her on the ground, rip her clothes off, suck her and slam it in deep but somehow I managed to get it in gear and jerk the throttle instead, pulling out fast and tight.
When we stopped at the first red light I asked her if she was hungry and did she want to get something to eat. She whispered clearly into my ear, her breath tickling my brain.
“I’d rather drink.” That’s the kind of girl she was.
The drinking didn’t take long. I rode over to a place where I knew the bartender and knew we wouldn’t have any problems with ID’s. I told her I was getting a beer and what did she want.
“OOoooh…… I loooove beer!”
She said it like I’d slid my finger into her nice and gently and was working it just right. I turned to the bar to catch my man’s attention and get the drinks, it was crowded so maybe he took sixty seconds or so. When I turned around with the glasses Naomi was curled up like a spider on a flame, one hand in front of her blue jeaned pussy and the other at her mouth, nibbling on her thumb; she was staring at her shoes again and crossing her feet one over the other. In front of her were two young boys sitting at a table ignoring their drinks and leaning into her, slack jawed and smiling everywhere.
“So where are you from?” one was begging and grinning ear to ear while he did it. I cut in hard.
“Don’t worry about it, slick….. C’mere you.”
I didn’t say it in any nice way either but she followed me. The boys looked like I’d just canceled Christmas but they weren’t the type to do anything about it, she didn’t seem to care in the least as we sat down at another table. I flashed a look over to the boys and they snagged the hint.
I took a sip of my beer. She lifted hers and drained it in around ten seconds, gulping fast as it slid home, then she placed her empty glass down on the table carefully, precisely as if the world depended on it, and breathed,
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” Rolling her eyes and licking her lips, “Oh I’ve been waiting so long for that.” I chugged a generous amount of mine to be neighborly.
“Want another?”
Like a cool cheerleader who smokes and gets kicked off the squad. If she was up to anything other than a good time she sure wasn’t thinking about it too much. I signaled to a barmaid two more and she brought them over as I finished mine. Naomi stared at me blissfully and I tried some small talk as the drinks arrived and I paid up.
Did she like school?
“I Loooove it.”
Do you like Montana?
“I want to die there.”
“What are you majoring in?”
“No major yet, maybe journalism… I don’t really want to know right now.”
What do you want to do after college?
“Go to Paris.”
Then she leaned forward and slowly slid her hand up my arm from wrist to bicep. My cock was drumming in my pants. It’s always shocking to me how certain girls can just touch you with a fingertip and your rod snaps out like a switchblade, and other girls can be scarfing your pole till they gag and it’s strictly a yawn. Naomi had a touch that singed my blood.
“But do you know what I really want to study next year?” I just shook my head, it was all I could manage.
“Massage therapy.” I hoped she didn’t see me gulp.
“Cool….. Maybe….. Ah…. you could practice on me sometime?” It was as smooth as I could make it and the only question her eyes left me to ask, but still it came out a croak.
She said it quietly and calmly but I thought I saw the color in those eyes change or maybe it was just the booze. She gently squeezed my arm and then purred.
We both tilted glasses. When I had enough breath to talk I said,
“How about practicing on me tonight?”
“Sure.” She came back so fast and certain that she could’ve slapped me and I would’ve been less surprised.
One voice in my head whispered- Is this broad a Pro? Gotta be. Is she going to tell me any second now, “You know it’s going to be five hundred, don’t you?” Hell I didn’t have money like that and she should know that if she’s a Pro!
But another voice barked- Push it you punk, go for broke. ROLL THE DICE!
Or maybe it was just the lead between my legs.
“How ‘bout right now?”
She glared at me then lifted her second glass again. I did the same. I put my empty down a moment before hers. Her dark eyes were definitely flashing fire as she set the glass down and stared into me.
“Let’s go.”
No trace of a smile on her lips, a blessed beautiful mystery.
Go we did.
I tunnel vision bee-lined all the way home as she held on tight. When we made it to my front door I worked the lock faster than a burglar on parole and she marched straight in ahead of me as if she owned the joint. I shut the door, locked it behind us and when I turned around she’d already found the bed and was sitting on it, her feet off the floor, burning a hole into me with those soft almond eyes, flames dancing. Naomi casually kicked off her high heels as I slowly approached; I wanted the sight of her in my bed to last forever and I wanted to pounce immediately, the only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted it all. Then she crossed her forearms, grabbed her t-shirt at the waist with both hands and pulled it over her head, shaking her short hair out. Those sweet peachy breasts bounced to attention, golden skin glowing, as she leaned back onto her elbows and waited. I didn’t make her wait long and I shucked the painted on blue jeans off her almost as fast as she had the shirt. Her tiny black panties were criminal in their intent and so beautifully wound around her ripe ass that I almost wanted to leave them right where they were and savor the vision, but the only thing they covered effectively was the treasure of her wet temple and I wanted in, in the very worst way.
I carefully peeled the panties then Naomi gazed brazenly up into my eyes as she spread her slender bare legs in invitation, dainty toes stroking my chest ever so softly. No drink ever got me that drunk.
10 or 12 seconds later I was buck naked and then we didn’t say much of anything for the next 15 minutes or so as we smashed our bodies together, or maybe it was an eternity.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy VD! (valentines day...whaddya think)
and in lieu of Flowers and Chocolates I give you...
Howabout a little Rev. Al Green to keep the Love Train chuggin'?
Dig that SuperFunky 'Fro!
Finally, to bring it all home, one from the king to remind us fellas why we should indeed indulge in this most counterfeit of Holidays.
And please remember My Western Friends- In J-Land the Men get the Chocolate and the Ladies stand in line to buy it!
Gotta love this place sometimes!
Howabout a little Rev. Al Green to keep the Love Train chuggin'?
Dig that SuperFunky 'Fro!
Finally, to bring it all home, one from the king to remind us fellas why we should indeed indulge in this most counterfeit of Holidays.
And please remember My Western Friends- In J-Land the Men get the Chocolate and the Ladies stand in line to buy it!
Gotta love this place sometimes!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Shooting for the Stars!
“Being a Hero is about the shortest-lived profession on Earth.” Will Rogers
Yes the Worldwide Economy is in freefall and, no, I fear that we are not yet at or close to bottom and it's most definitely true that we've still got Wars raging, rogue Nations searching for their own personal Nuclear Toys and Women are currently being beaten and killed in certain places for showing their faces in Public and/or enjoying the beverage of their choice. Choice being the operative word and fanatical Religious fervor the operative weapon but for right now lets just ignore the fact that there may indeed be fundamental cultural differences between certain portions of this World we share and, instead, focus on the burning issue of today, shall we?
A-Rod and his steroid junkie Brethren.
You know the All-Star list-
Doubtless there are scores of others who I am shamefully neglecting to mention that belong in this heralded crew and whose names will likely be surfacing at the top of this slimy bucket shortly but you get the point.
Yet the Yankee 3rd Baseman deserves center stage today because he has been officially outed then subsequently (as of Tues.) performed the now mandatory televised 1st stop on what will surely be the A-Rod Apology Tour by coming clean (ahem) to Lead-Off Apologee and Sports journalist Pete Gammons from that most consistently worthless of sports rags SI.
Rodriguez was humble, polite, contrite and damn close to sincere. He was evasive, not quite persuasive and at all times thoroughly coached and properly uncomfortable as he squirmed, backpedaled, sidestepped and ducked most of Gammons' obligatory lobs while rockin' his Little Boy Blue Polo by Timberlake.
You Fans were expecting?
Because you see the unholy Trinity of SportsStar/Journalist/Fan is the center of this maelstrom of Bullshit and adds up to, and always has to me, the equivalent of Hypocrisy Bowling- Each taking a Big turn at knocking down the pins that they've all set up for each other as they feverishly keep score of their near meaningless but absolutely manic recreation whose relevance ends the moment they exit the Alley. I mean, you know.....unless of course you happen to have some decent, hard-earned, honest money bet on the outcome.
Or perhaps a more accurate analogy is a Hypocrisy CircleJerk with each feverishly yanking the others tool in the intense desire for some orgasmic ending to their endless adolescent fantasies of Championship Glory and Power.
Or maybe a Sports Strip Club- The Players being the Dancers with the Giant Counterfeit Guns (but who cares, the bigger the better, right?) and even more Counterfeit smiles, the Journalists (and I am using that term very loosely) being the sidewalk Hawkers who shill for the Club, grab the Money fast and don't ask any questions or mind any mess.
The Fans you ask?
Yea, they're the saps with fistfuls of sweaty dollar bills dreaming of any possible connection with that long since unobtainable yet tantalizingly miraculous mirage right in front of their desperately hungry eyes but worlds away from their own mundane realities, hopelessly blinded by their juvenile lust for a fantasy that will never, ever, ever come anywhere close to happening.
And I'm a Cubs Fan so trust me, I know.
Yes my opinion of most SportsFans, assembled through many years of incidental but nonetheless painfully dullheaded interaction, is not and has never been very high based solely on the collected research and my opinion of most Sports Writers/broadcasters quite a bit lower based on their almost universally sycophantic and simultaneously parasitic Starfucking output so it is with a veritable truckload of salt that I offer my take on this unfortunate and unfortunately ridiculous situation.
But A-Rod and his multi-millionaire ilk?
Call me what you will but today I got Slack to give to those fraudulent SuperStars and I ain't expecting any in return. Why?
My reasons are complex so I'll attempt to simplify.
1.I Remember Playing the Game
No, I was no Star. Indeed at the height of my athletic prowess (somewhere in my mid-twenties) I'm sure I was Oceans removed from the level of competition that is Professional Sports (well, except for Soccer...I don't think anybody's too far away from a Starter there) on every single level. Yet if you would've offered me the chance to close that gap even a little by taking any pill, powder, potion or poison available to me I guarantee you I would not have hesitated. Not even blinked.
2.There are Insane Amounts of Money Involved
The average salary of an MLB Ballplayer in 2008 was 3.1 MILLION DOLLARS!
Do you happen to be average at your job? How much you making?
If I offered you a raise of say......3 million dollars a year for taking a proven chemical supplement that just might put you over the top and place your Family on Easy Street..........
Think you'd take it?
3.Stop with The Reefer Madness Hysteria
I cannot find nor have I ever read or heard of a single thorough, definitive or even serious current Research Study of the Long Term Effects of responsible Steroid use on the Human Body. Medicinal Steroid use is widespread at every level of organized Health maintenance, a common treatment for a variety of physical ills and the beneficial effects, used responsibly, are Medical facts.
Responsible and irresponsible Steroid use and abuse has been a part of Athletics since the 70's with no clear evidence of direct fatal effects on a single subject. Not one.
Side effects? Yes. No doubt unpleasant but minor, manageable and likely less severe than you may expect from any prescription Blood Pressure medication currently flooding US markets (Vioxx, Valtrex, Effexor etc...take your pick) and being forcefed to you by a tidal wave of Primetime TV commercials.
If you want to have a rational discourse on the Dangers of Steroid use I'll join in but first put away the goofy, tail-chasing Reefer Madness argument that this practice is BAD because these athletes/role models are doing irreparable harm to themselves. It just ain't so, Joe.
Or give up your Beer, Booze, Coffee, Cigarettes and especially Junk Food before pointing fingers or expressing your faux outrage.
4.The Inmates Took Over The Asylum
The Baseball Powers-that-Be of the 80's and 90's (we're looking at you Selig) willfully, willingly and gleefully allowed the madness to take place on their watch solely because it filled the coffers of their facilities and lined the pockets of everyone at every level. The Well was poisoned and although I'm positive not every Inmate drank the water (Jeter and many others) I'm equally sure that so significant a percentage did partake as to make the entire fairness/level-playing-field issue a more or less moot point. Tough break for some? Yes. Which leads me to...
5.A Cheating River Runs Through It
Baseball has always looked the other way at their own longstanding and firmly entrenched Culture of Cheating. From Ty Cobbs sharpened spikes there is a direct line to Barry Bonds Bulbous Head. In between are a long list of corked bats, nailed bats, leaded bats, superballed bats, spitballs. scuffballs, sandpaper, thumbtacks, juiced balls, frozen balls, stolen signs, amphetamines, non-banned substances and Canseco Shakes.
All these sins are/were egregious and unforgivable (no matter how many have been forgiven) but to attempt to pin the Grand Prize on the Steroids Era is to close the Barn door a looooooooooooooong time after the horse got out.
And finally
6.The Asterisk* Is (in fact) Punishment Enough
Seen McGwire basking in any adoring applause lately?
Or Home Run King Barry Bonds picking up any paychecks?
Caught any Sosa On-Camera air kisses recently?
And you won't.
Know what else you won't be witnessing? Any of these pumped up Musclemen making their Hall of Fame acceptance speeches anytime soon or ever.
And yes, that is sufficient punishment to fit the crime as long as it accompanies a deep, indelible asterisk* next to ALL of their records...Forever.
7.The Playing Field has Only Recently Become Level
Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. I firmly believe it would be very safe to say that until that Day at least 2/3 of the very best Players were not only not given an equal chance to compete, they weren't even given a chance to play at all! It would further be safe to say that integration did not become widespread until as least a decade later and the playing field did not truly level until perhaps a decade after that. Now I'm positive that the 1946 St Louis Cards fielded an excellent Team that played at a High Level and I mean no disrespect to any of their Fine Players but that Team was all White and only White. Check the '08 Phillies and the situation may snap into a sharper focus.
So for all those out there who would wail about the sanctity of Baseball History and all its Sacred Records I bring harsh news.
Your Records ain't all that pure, Man, so unless you want to start handing out some truly righteous asterisks to every single Record on the Books before '47 (and I don't...I accept Baseball in its imperfect form pre-Robinson just as I accept my imperfect friends, Family and fellow human Beings) then that shameful blackmark next to the Steroid Era with all its very public disgrace and perennial ignominy is fitting justice for the generation of egotistical cheaters of this very recent past and a sufficient warning to those Generations who may be considering shortcuts in the future.
Case Closed.
Stamp down the Asterisks and move on.
So where does this all leave us?
Same place as always. The Boys of Summer are revving up in spring Training and soon the Sun will be shining, the Flags waving in the warm wind, the grass will be lush and green as peanuts, popcorn, hot dogs and ice cold Beer is passed along to the friends sitting next to you in the stands as we all listen for those most magic of words-
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thanks for your patience.....
Please forgive me for my recent lack of activity on this site, I've been working hard on my other blog (Hey, cut me a little slack...they're paying me for that one) and I am also currently in training for an annual Team Race here in Kyoto (details at a later date) hence my time (working, posting, playing and drinking) has been severely curtailed while my responsibilities have unexpectedly multiplied.
However, lest you think that I've somehow neglected to notice and gratefully appreciate Life's Finer Things.....
And yet, perhaps due to my fatigue, I'm not quite sure.
Is this Beach Beauty subtly hinting at something?
However, lest you think that I've somehow neglected to notice and gratefully appreciate Life's Finer Things.....
And yet, perhaps due to my fatigue, I'm not quite sure.
Is this Beach Beauty subtly hinting at something?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
709 Homesick Blues
Welcome to '09 Boys and Girls!'s all ours whether we want it or not.
And in keeping with that gracious spirit...
Please joyfully sing along (you know..approximately) to the tune of Dylan's
"Subterranean Homesick Blues".
Can't quite recall that classic? Don't sweat.
I loaded it for you.
Big trouble in the Gaza Strip
Hezbollah let them rockets rip,
them Jews ain't
gonna take their shit
gonna get a Big Hit
And Blago's in a real bind
working hard to dodge his crime,
He said,
“Can't ya' see
I's only tryin'
real hard to make a dime,
you get yours
and I'll get mine!"
newspapers opine
Blago just may
do some time
Let's all bust a rhyme
it's Two-Thousand Nine
but Our Money's
in a big mess
Congress in a recess
no body
wants to confess
ain't no way to redress
Better look out Kids
no matter what ya' did
'Cuz Bush is going bye-bye
ain't in range of
Iraqi's wonderin' why why
I don't even want to
fly by
ain't no oil, why sigh
GI's still gettin' blown
sky high
It's all right, Folks
tho' it ain't no joke
China's growing
Russia's got the bills paid
oil's pumping
Japan's still building
neon light displays
shopping malls is all
the craze
but i can't find
my ways
like gettin' lost
inside a maze
Heads up Kids
we hitting the skids
Somali Pirates sailing
GM is bailing
newspapers failing
McCain done picked
and started coffin
don't start
'09 might be a
Bin Laden's in a cave
or digging his grave
But I know there's some
even 'twixt the
Hawks and Doves
So maybe we can't get
all the Bullshit
push and shove
pretty girls everywhere
sharp legs and long hair
short skirts
high heels
can't cop a feel
what's the deal, get real
sweet lips
hot hips
and painted toes, don't say No
just say go
and don't no-show
then we'll get
our groove on
and we'll start to move on
So I got me some hope
tho' I might be a dope
You better save a penny
when you can
watch out for the Taxman
keep an eye on Iran
and any smokin'
frying pans
then steady scan
the secret plan
and hook up with the
Main Man
put down that smack
and lay off that crack
'Cuz in 13 days
drops the Hammer!'s all ours whether we want it or not.
And in keeping with that gracious spirit...
Please joyfully sing along (you know..approximately) to the tune of Dylan's
"Subterranean Homesick Blues".
Can't quite recall that classic? Don't sweat.
I loaded it for you.
Big trouble in the Gaza Strip
Hezbollah let them rockets rip,
them Jews ain't
gonna take their shit
gonna get a Big Hit
And Blago's in a real bind
working hard to dodge his crime,
He said,
“Can't ya' see
I's only tryin'
real hard to make a dime,
you get yours
and I'll get mine!"
newspapers opine
Blago just may
do some time
Let's all bust a rhyme
it's Two-Thousand Nine
but Our Money's
in a big mess
Congress in a recess
no body
wants to confess
ain't no way to redress
Better look out Kids
no matter what ya' did
'Cuz Bush is going bye-bye
ain't in range of
Iraqi's wonderin' why why
I don't even want to
fly by
ain't no oil, why sigh
GI's still gettin' blown
sky high
It's all right, Folks
tho' it ain't no joke
China's growing
Russia's got the bills paid
oil's pumping
Japan's still building
neon light displays
shopping malls is all
the craze
but i can't find
my ways
like gettin' lost
inside a maze
Heads up Kids
we hitting the skids
Somali Pirates sailing
GM is bailing
newspapers failing
McCain done picked
and started coffin
don't start
'09 might be a
Bin Laden's in a cave
or digging his grave
But I know there's some
even 'twixt the
Hawks and Doves
So maybe we can't get
all the Bullshit
push and shove
pretty girls everywhere
sharp legs and long hair
short skirts
high heels
can't cop a feel
what's the deal, get real
sweet lips
hot hips
and painted toes, don't say No
just say go
and don't no-show
then we'll get
our groove on
and we'll start to move on
So I got me some hope
tho' I might be a dope
You better save a penny
when you can
watch out for the Taxman
keep an eye on Iran
and any smokin'
frying pans
then steady scan
the secret plan
and hook up with the
Main Man
put down that smack
and lay off that crack
'Cuz in 13 days
drops the Hammer!
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