Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Odds and Ends

Am I the only one who misses “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson”?

Not thinking is superior- although much more difficult for some- to thinking yet I can’t seem to stop trying both.

Holding hands with your girl is forever underrated.

Anybody heard from Spike Lee lately?

Instant communication doesn’t help anybody.

Johnny Bench is the best there is, the best there ever was, and the best that there ever will be…………………now let’s move on to Clemente.

Are Banana Splits (the dessert, not the band) still popular?

Saw a beautiful young girl in a short skirt and high heels today. She was talking on her phone and didn’t seem to know I was alive. Creamy flesh, rose scented, long lean legs, fine ankles, dainty feet. God or no……………somebody did something right.

Cops piss me off………….am I wrong?

The sound of water flowing off a mountain is the truth.

The best quote I can recall from a Playboy Interview- Christopher Walken: “I mean…I like children but after a couple of hours I think…….I wish you would go away so I could have a conversation or something.” The man is close to my heart.

I’m basically ashamed of my attachment to my Ipod.

Had a wonderful girlfriend once (genius level performance artist) who lowered herself to watch football with me one Sunday strictly in order to please me. After careful observation she commented,
”Why don’t they wear different colors?”
I replied, “They do…one team’s wearing blue and white and the other’s got black and white with gold trim.”
She said,
“No…….I mean why doesn’t one team wear…..say…………. purple and the other team wear green.”
I could not dispute her feminine logic.

The other day I did not have sex with the wife nor did I even trouble myself to jerk off but I did, somehow, manage to get good and drunk. That’s age, baby, and death must be sniffing around somewhere.


Vix said...

Just a few comments:

"Are Banana Splits (the dessert, not the band) still popular"?

I'm guessing they don't have them in J-land. Banana Splits are a favorite for your fellow Americans.

"God or no……………somebody did something right".

I guess you don't believe in a God.

“I mean…I like children but after a couple of hours I think…….I wish you would go away so I could have a conversation or something.”

You would never hear that from a mother. I would like to meet the first one that can make this comment.

"I’m basically ashamed of my attachment to my Ipod".

A pod is no different then listening to your tv or stereo at home. It's just portable. If you're ashamed, then toss it, and your TV and stereo too.

Thanks for the "Odds & Ends"..a good read and good laughs.

mrmook said...

I believe you.

Mothers are a different animal altogether.

and thanks...........